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Decision Dimensions is a management consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations make better decisions which add long term value.
About Decision Dimensions

Welcome to Decision Dimensions.  Our goal is provide organizations (profit and non-profit) with the tools and perspectives to make better decisions for their organizations.  Organizations (and individuals for that matter) are the sum of their decisions.   How we make decisions is critical to success of an organization.


The best decisions are made on multiple dimensions.   These dimensions are both financial and non-financial.   Obviously, the worst decisions for an Organization are self interested.   Organizations fight against this self interest every day because it is human nature to be self interested.  On the other hand, this is why diversity of thought generated by individuals of various backgrounds can be a key contributor to an organization that wants to make the best long term decisions. 


Many organizations fall victim to the Good Idea Trap™Organizations are generally not lacking for good ideas.   Organizations that try to address all the good ideas will ultimately fail for lack of resources or focus.  The organizations that can filter to the best ideas are the ultimate winners. 



Organizations that Avoid the Good Idea Trap™ are the Ultimate Winners


© 2019 by Decision Dimensions LLC

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